Community-based peer-reviewed education concept
This blog post proposes a new framework to approach university-level education based on community-reviewed deliverables.
All of this will be conceptualized as a github organization. Implementation details and specifics are left to the discretion of community builders.
The University
The university is a self-managing github organization.
There can be multiple degrees offered by the university. A degree is a collection of courses (curriculum) with required & optional courses. All degrees live on their own repository, with their一
Every degree will have a curricula, that lives on the degree's repository. The curricula will list required and optional courses, and provide a clear determinator for the course sets, the completion of which, entitles the completor to the associated degree.
The degree & curricula repositories are managed by community members associated with said degree. Only these members can approve pull requests for the degree repositories.
Courses live on their own repositories. They are managed by community members associated with the course or, in the case of lack thereof, with the members associated degree. All course repositories will have their own deliverables directory, or, a separate repository for their deliverables to be committed to.
Completion of every course is dependent on a set of deliverables being, well, delivered. Every course is studied as self-study, and the students are to produce the deliverables required for the course. The deliverables are opened as pull-requests against the course's deliverables directory. The deliverable PRs are reviewed by the community, and, they are merged with enough approvals.
A github actions cronjob checks deliverables against courses' required deliverables, when all deliverables are committed to the repository, the cronjob adds the user to the list of completors that live on the course repository.
When all courses are completed, a degree for the user is committed to the degrees repository. And the user will have access to their completely uncredited degree from the Peer Review University.
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