What I expect from this blog
I do have another blog, where I write about more serious computer-science stuff.
But this one is not that. However, as the now-owner of two blogs on the world wide web,
I have a problem. I just don't write that much.
In the first couple years I had my blog, I don't think I've written anything on it, apart from
what I plugged into it from my previous scribblings. But I changed the way it looked for a
million times. This has been a topic that I've thought about to no particular avail; substance
over form.
However, there is more than just substance (content) and form (styling). There is also
functionality, utility. I've started thinking about how I can make this blog into a utility
that will want to make me use it. Not a man-made-horror addiction-algorithm-generator, but
instead something that I will take joy in using, and something that brings everything together
on my online life and fills the gaps between what I use to make the web a social place,
as well as a knowledge base.
What my personal blog looked like in the past.